The Hybrid I have created is called the Davicorn, it's the mix between a Unicorn and a David. The Davicorn looks human but has a horn in the middle of his forehead. The average Davicorn wears jeans, a sweater and sneakers to hide their hooves.

Davicorns live in pretty much everywhere, but the place with the biggest population would be on the outskirts of district 4 and 11. The Davicorns like to stay out of the cities so they usually stay as far away from the capitol as possible. They would only go to the capitol if they needed food or water, and couldn't find any.

Skittles are the main source of food for the Davicorns. They usually find them on the rainbow bushes found in forests. If some Davicorns live on the prairies they will eat wheat, Grass and small bugs found in the wheat fields. Davicorns can go days without eating, this is because they can feed off their happiness. Baby Davicorns need to stay with their parents for the first 5 years of life then they go off on their own to find a herd, or just goes solo all their life. No matter what they do Davicorns are generally happy creatures. Davicorns need to stay away from snow, this is crucial for their survival. The snow is too cold for the Davicorns their sweaters don't keep them warm enough for freezing conditions.

The Davicorn would be useful to the Hunger Games because they can cheer people up anytime they wish. They can also be very funny, and can be very annoying at times. One thing about the Davicorns is that they become evil during the night and their eyes turn red and their horns become a deadly weapon. During the night the tributes would have to be very careful. On the bright side if you kill a Davicorn their meet tastes like cake, but if you eat too much you could start getting powerful hallucinations. Another good thing is that their horn could be used as a weapon.

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